Wednesday, September 24, 2014

FREE Ariana Grande My Everything ON Google Play Music

I just downloaded Ariana Grande's My Everything for FREE on Google Play Music.  This is her Sophomore Album and it has more of a pop sound than R&B.  She is a great vocalist and her sound  reminds me of Mariah Carey even though I must admit I can't remember the last time I heard Mariah Carey hit a high note. I still like Ariana Grande's first Album the best.  She is very talented and I love her voice.  I look forward to watching her music career explode in the future.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Faith Evans - I Deserve It (feat. Missy Elliott & Sharaya J)

I just saw this New Faith Evans song called I deserve. I am not feeling the track but I do like the lyrics. It's nice to see Missy Elliott on the seen but I never heard of Sharaya J.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Katy Perry

Last week I downloaded Katy Perry's entire Prism album for free on Google Play Music.  iTunes you needs to catch up!  I listened to the Album and I actually liked her album better than Ariana Grande's My Everything which is Ariana's Sophomore album.  Katy had more songs on her album that I liked.  When I listen to music one of the things I look for is quality. If your song is annoying I am not going to listen to it again.  I didn't like every song on the Album I did count seven songs that I like and will listen to again.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Glenn Lewis Moment of Truth

Last December I was riding in my car listening to the Heart & Soul channel on Sirius XM Satellite radio and who comes on...Glenn Lewis.  It was a song I'd never never heard before called Can't say Love.  I rushed home to download it on iTunes and I ended up buying the entire album.   it has been in steady rotation on Playlist ever since. Glenn delivers vocally on this Album and I am surprised I don't hear his songs playing on regular main stream radio.  I believe this is his Sophomore album.  I can listen to this album from start to finish without hitting the skip button.  I could relate to most of the songs on the album which makes this record a rare treat.