Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gucci Mane apologizes and blames it on the lean.

Trouble rapper Gucci Mane send out a series of tweets apologizing for his recent twitter behavior.  He says he is addicted to lean and that  He says he is ashamed and embarrassed and that he wanted to man up. I am so glad to see he is owning up and taking responsibility for his actions.  I hope he gets the help he needs.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Katie Perry - Roar

I love this song but the video is just as much as a let down as her VMA performance. I still love my girl Katie Perry.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Chris Brown On The Today Show 08/30/2013 - Love More, Beat It and Fine China

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Chris Brown was on the Today show doing the Toyota Summer Concert series and when he was interview about his health, Twitter rants and leaving the business he down played the questions and changed the subject, He responded with, " With it's not my music." I love it! Good for you Chris Brown for showing growth and maturity.

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The Right One- K Michelle

What a waste of talent. I love K Michelle's voice but this song is just garbage but I guess it fits her image. This song is so hood.